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Pigmentation spots on black skin



Pigmentation spots, also known as dark spots or brown spots, are one of women's major beauty concerns. Located on the face, décolleté, body and hands, they may have several different causes. Let’s take a closer look at pigmentation spots and the techniques used to attenuate them.

What are the brown spots that we refer to as pigmentation spots?

Brownish spots are caused by hyperpigmentation. A darker area appears on the skin's surface, due to inflammation. This is caused by an over-production of melanin, which leads to the formation of a spot on the skin. However, there are different types of pigmentation spots that must be identified in order to effectively correct them. Small or large… Pigmentation spots may :

  • - Develop over time, and are called "age spots" or lentigo
  • - Form after an inflammation (pimples, acne, burn…)
  • - Be caused by extended or repeated sun exposure
  • - Appear during times of hormonal imbalance (pregnancy mask…)

Are the spots on the face the same as those on the body?

The mechanism that causes pigmentation spots to form is nearly the same on the face as on the body. However, there is another cause for spots on areas such as the back, shoulders, arms and even legs: ingrown hair. Growing underneath the skin's surface, hair creates inflammation that leads to the formation of pimples and dark spots. Today, it is easier to treat spots on a small rather than large surface area. Although great strides have been made in this field, the treatments that currently exist are more effective on the face and hands than on the rest of the body.

Are black and dark skinned individuals more prone to pigmentation spots?

Not necessarily! Black skin tends to produce excess melanin after an inflammation, making pigmented areas immediately visible. The spots are more pronounced and last longer than in Caucasian skin. The slightest pimple leaves a dark spot that can take a long time to fade if it is not immediately treated.

Treating pigmentation spots as early as possible

As soon as dark spots appear, it is important to adopt a specific skincare routine that will prevent stubborn hyperpigmentation from forming. The longer one waits to treat spots, the harder it is to eliminate them. If the spots are caused by acne or eczema, it is essential to treat the causes. Once the skincare ritual has been implemented and completed, a precise routine must be undertaken to fight against pigmentation spots. In all cases, treatments formulated with a highly specific composition of active ingredients that do not brighten the skin must be used. The goal behind an anti-pigmentation spot treatment is to eliminate or reduce visibility of the spots, while evening out skin tone.

How can we eliminate pigmentation spots?

As soon as a dark spot appears, there are pharmaceutical solutions that may be used, as long as the spots are new. Your treatment routine should include: a gentle cleanser for daily use, a gentle scrub that may be applied one or two times a week, a cream suited to each specific skin type (combination, normal, dry or oily) and a anti-spot serum. If there are numerous dark spots, or they are persistent and not recent, it is best to consult a dermatologist for in-depth treatment.

What can be done to prevent pigmentation spots from forming?

There are simple steps that may be taken to avoid inflammation, and hence the formation of pigmentation spots. Always protect your skin from the sun regardless of phototype. Caucasian skin, like black and dark skin types, must be protected from UVA and UVB light. It is therefore important to use an SPF 50+ cream for optimal protection during sun exposure. Do not touch pimples. Although it can be tempting to pick at pimples and blackheads, this will definitely leave spots and require that you undergo intensive treatment. Use anti-spot serum as part of a treatment course 3 times during the year to improve skin quality, by evening out skin tone, moisturizing and correcting small melanin spots caused by recent inflammation (pimples, burns…)

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