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  • Does Anti-Dark Spot Serum work on all skin colors?

Yes. Anti-Dark Spot Serum has proven its effectiveness on phototype III and V skin whose dark spots are the most difficult to treat. It is even more effective on lighter skin.

  • Does Anti-Dark Spot Serum work on all types of hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation may be epidermal in 70%, dermal in 10% and combination (epidermal and dermal) in 20% of cases. We recommend that you consult a dermatologist in order to determine which type of hyperpigmentation your skin is subject to.
Our products are only effective on epidermal hyperpigmentation.

  • Can Anti-Dark Spot Serum reduce the appearance of melasma, sun-induced, acne and age spots?

Yes. Anti-Dark Spot Serum works very well on all these types of hyperpigmentation on the face and body.

  • Can Anti-Dark Spot Serum be used to whiten the complexion?

Skin whitening procedures are dangerous because they use harmful substances. At NUHANCIAM, we do not use this type of substances in our products. We only use latest generation active ingredients that help enhance the skin's radiance and even out its tone while reducing pigmentation spots until their elimination.

  • Can NUHANCIAM products repigment white spots?

No. NUHANCIAM products must only be used to reduce the appearance of brown spots and hyperpigmentation. They will have no color-restoring effect in white or discolored skin areas.

  • How soon are the first results with Anti-Dark Spot Serum visible?

The first spot-reducing results become visible within 2 weeks with complete results following 2 or 3 months of regular morning and evening use. Results may vary depending on your skin type, skin problem, depth of pigmentation and amount of sun you receive daily.

  • Are the results obtained with Anti-Dark Spot Serum permanent? Must I continue using the product after achieving the desired results?

In most cases, the elimination of dark spots is definitive. Some individuals with more ingrained hyperpigmentation may consider it necessary to apply Anti-Dark Spot Serum periodically to prolong the product's effects. Sun exposure must be limited to maintain results. We therefore recommend the use of a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

  • How can you guarantee the results shown on the before and after photos?

Our product testing conditions are drastic and in compliance with Good Laboratory Practice. The tests are conducted in the same conditions before and after the pictures are taken. And, evidently, the photographs are not altered or touched up in any way.

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